Dosbarth Seren
Croeso i Dosbarth Seren's class page!
Dosbarth Seren is a mixed class, with Year 3 and 4 pupils. There are currently 31 pupils in the class, there are 11 Year 3 pupils and 20 Year 4 pupils. Miss Petty is the class teacher, Mrs Sadd and Mrs Cook support the children in their learning.
Below is some helpful information about the class:
P.E.= Every Wednesday and Thursday
Pupils are able to wear their PE kit to school on their PE days.
Please can pupils wear the correct P.E. kit (white t-shirt and black shorts) and trainers. During the colder months (after October half term to February/March) pupils will be able to wear black/dark joggers or leggings.
Book Bags and Reading Diaries = Thursday
Please can pupils bring their books and diaries in on this day? In order for the children to make progress it is really important that we are able to check diaries have been signed and they have read at home with an adult at least three times a week. Diaries should be signed by parents by Thursday please, when they are collected in and signed by myself. They will then be returned the same day.
Class Dojo points –The children get to gain class dojo points throughout the week for hard work or good behaviour. If you haven’t already signed up to Dojo please do! Dojo is a great way of keeping in touch if you have any questions you would like to ask me. You are also able to see how well your child is working in the class by checking the points they get each week.
The topic this year are:
Castle and Courts- Life in medieval Wales
Blue Planet- Exploring plastic pollution
Ancient Greece- Examining life in an ancient civilisation