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Our Curriculum Statement

Curriculum for Wales Statement



Our school vision was created with the involvement of all stakeholders, parents, pupils, governing body and staff. Our school vision underpins all areas of school life.

Our curriculum enables us to realise our vision. As part of curriculum design:

  • Our school leaders and teachers undertook reading and research and attended professional learning on curriculum.
  • Our whole staff team agreed key features of our school context, pupils and community to inform the approaches and experiences best suited for the needs of all learners at our school and considering the four purposes.
  • Through consultation stakeholders were asked to consider what all pupils should know and be able to do, and which values they should develop during their time at the school.
  • All staff worked together to identify the required changes to our current provision and practices.
  • Teachers have worked with staff from the cluster schools to support one another in planning our curriculum, ensuring progression along the 3-16 continuum.
  • All learners engaged in discussions at the beginning and end of learning themes, giving learners a voice in what and how they learn.
  • The school regularly shares information with parents/careers on the curriculum and ways they can support their child within and outside of the school environment.
  • Learners have enriching activities across all of AoLE including RVE (Religion, Values and Ethics)



Our school curriculum is broad and balanced and includes learning opportunities within and across all of the Areas of learning and experience. It encompasses the concepts in all of the statements of what matters and provides appropriate progression in accord with the principles of progression. It also aligns to the mandatory requirements of teaching Welsh, English and Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE). The mandatory elements of Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) and the cross curricular skills of literacy, numeracy and digital competence throughout the curriculum.



Assessment arrangements are informed by the principles of progression.

A variety of assessment evidence is used to enable each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace.  Processes identify learners who require further support or challenge are in place to inform next steps in learning for individuals and groups of learners.

Assessment arrangements ensure active engagement between learners and teachers and is based on ongoing reflection on where a learner is, what their next steps are and what is required to support them in achieving these.

Effective progression and assessment arrangements are fundamental to ensuring we achieve our school vision. We use a variety of evidence informed assessment strategies to enable each individual learner to make progress at an appropriate pace. Our processes identify learners who require further support or challenge and informs us on the next steps in learning for individuals and groups of learners. Our assessment arrangements ensure active engagement between learners and teachers and is based on ongoing reflecting of:

  • Where are learners in their learning? 
  • Where do they need to go next? 
  • What do they need to get them there?


Review of curriculum

The school’s curriculum will be kept under review to ensure that it is meeting the needs of learners and maintaining the school’s vision.

Throughout the year there will be a variety of self-evaluation activities to inform understanding of the effectiveness of our curriculum and the required revision.

The school will continue to work with our cluster and in partnership with governors, our archdiocese, the regional consortia, the local authority, and our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) partnership to further develop a shared understanding of progression and to ensure a high-quality 3-16 continuum of learning for all.