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Prayer & Liturgy

Prayer and liturgy in St Robert’s celebrates God’s presence in our lives. It is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

‘The celebration of Catholic liturgies and prayers as an integral part of the learning and teaching should enable the school community to become reflective, experience the presence of God and should develop a mature spiritual life.’ (Christ at the Centre- Rev. Martin Stock 2012)

At St Robert’s we aim to promote the spiritual development of all members of the school community and experience, and celebrate shared values.  Alongside our weekly Headteacher Worships and Phase worships we hold regular class led whole school worships. These include our virtues, Harvest, Remembrance Sunday, Holy Week, special feast days and liturgical events e.g. Crowning of the May Queen.

The Celebration of Mass

The celebration of Mass is at the heart of Catholic life and worship. At Mass when we gather together, we remember and experience the presence of Jesus Christ. Taking part in Mass is the hallmark of the Catholic faith. It is central and crucial to the Catholic identity of St. Robert’s.

Masses are also planned and celebrated in school (whole school and class Masses), and Feast days are often celebrated as a whole-school Mass when possible, depending on the availability of a Priest to say Mass. Parishioners and parents are very welcome at these Masses.


Sacramental Preparation at St. Robert’s

St. Robert’s complements the work and faith development of our parish, evangelising young people today by teaching them how to live as children of God. We have an important responsibility to support families within our Parish in the preparation of our children to receive the sacraments, nurturing a strong partnership between families, parish and school.

This three-way partnership means that Sacraments at St. Robert’s are:

  • Family Focused;
  • School Led;
  • Parish Supported.

We encourage all Catholic children who enter St. Robert’s to be ready and willing to receive the Sacraments as part of their faith journey and we welcome members of the Parish Community who do not attend St. Robert’s to join us in the preparation for the Sacraments.

These Sacraments include: Baptism, Reconciliation & Eucharist (First Holy Communion)

There is an expectation that when a child enrols in the sacramental programme, the whole family commits to the preparation. We support this through:

  • High quality RE teaching;
  • A fruitful and reverent prayer life and liturgy;
  • Catholic Life experiences;
  • Preparation sessions;
  • Preparation liturgies with sacramental focus.

If you have any questions about Sacramental preparation at St. Robert’s, please contact our RE Lead Mrs Lewis or Mrs Beveridge.